Sit comfortable with closing eyes gently .Notice the rhythm of breathing .Start inhaling deeply & exhale slowly for 3 months. Slowly open the eyes to receive natural light & relax the mind
It helps in toning up the eye & accessories.Rinsing the eyes by blinking 10-20 times slowly in a pair of eye cup filled to the brim with Luke warm water and cold filterd water etc
The wonderful source of energy it increases the vitality of the eyes .it helps in increasing the blood circulation. practice during sunrise or sunset. performed in sitting posture with feet flat on the floor, hand on knees,chin raised with closed eyes facing sun, sway your body from side to side for a period of 50 counts /3 minutes .
It helps in reducing the stress and strain of the eyes sitting comfortably with the eyes covered by palms , fingers,crossed taking support on the forehead and elbows resting on a soft pillow
Moving the eyes from one point to another . hold the foot scale in front of the eyes at a distance of 15 inches. fix the head in a position of at 6 inch in the scale . start slowly moving towards zero mark of the scale . blink once and move the gaze towards 6 marks again .after blinking again slowly move the gaze to 12 marks.
Sway your body from right to left slowly looking through swinging bar at bright distant object. blink the eyes after reaching each ends of bar. it breaks through the staring habit and change of focus . it loosens eye muscles and the rhythmic movement enable to see well .
Sit comfortable facing the candle fame about 20 inch away. move the eyes forwards up to 5 inch close to candle . then backwards to the starting position .
Bouncing ---- observe the bounce of ball while throwing to ground, Move the sight along with the ball. Blink at the moment of catching ball.
Tossinzz- toss the ball from one hand to other in semi circular. Move the sight along the ball & blink while holding. It helps to strengthen the ocular muscles & improves central vision.
It is done to improve the flexibility of eyes. Procedure- with comfortable hold thumb 6 inches away from eyes directly in front of nose. Gaze easily at thumb and take a deep breath.
focus on a distant object at 10 feet away with deep breath. Feel the muscles in eyes changes while shifting the focus.
splashing the cold water to the closed eyes. Allow to dry by itself.
keep well spread wet cotton pads socked .& Squeezed in cold water over the eyelids.
Apply cold pad over the eyes by closing the eyes for some time.
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